Motivational, Tips, Uncategorized

Kale is the MAGIC

We are now working on going back to getting in shape, Juanch started Kale yesterday... The PINKYSHARES Healthy Weight Loss Program (I’m re-posting this because of many friends who messaged me and asking for how I lost weight, for the recipes, please follow my facebook and get the recipes from there) As of posting this,… Continue reading Kale is the MAGIC

Motivational, Uncategorized, Working Mom

Mama, when I grow up I will TAKE CARE OF YOU

  Mama, when I grow up I will TAKE CARE OF YOU. Being a working mom, I had to make sure that everything was okay. Until a few years back, I was a single mom. I had a bad annulment that truly changed the course of my life.  I had to juggle work while making… Continue reading Mama, when I grow up I will TAKE CARE OF YOU

Working Mom


PAIN IN THE ASHES Last month while I was on a business trip in China, my phone was persistently ringing and when I picked it up, my daughter Pianne was shouting: "MOM, Qualibet is on fire, YOU NEED TO COME HOME!!! After hearing this, I got so blinded with fear, and anxiety and I try to… Continue reading PAIN IN THE ASHES