Motivational, Uncategorized, Working Mom

Mama, when I grow up I will TAKE CARE OF YOU

  Mama, when I grow up I will TAKE CARE OF YOU. Being a working mom, I had to make sure that everything was okay. Until a few years back, I was a single mom. I had a bad annulment that truly changed the course of my life.  I had to juggle work while making… Continue reading Mama, when I grow up I will TAKE CARE OF YOU

Working Mom

LETTING GO of Alcoholic working moms in the workplace, or giving them hope?

Letting Go of Alcoholic working moms in the workplace, or giving them hope? Giving them a second chance in life I can clearly remember Rina from a few years back-- She was one of our best managers, and she headed one of the more aggressive divisions in our company. It was truly a blessing having her help… Continue reading LETTING GO of Alcoholic working moms in the workplace, or giving them hope?

Working Mom

Discipline in the Workplace

“Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him” -Proverbs 13:24 Discipline is such a strong word for every working Mom, not only at home but also in the work place. According to the Oxford dictionary,  discipline is “The practice of training people to obey rules or a code […]

Working Mom

5 Effective Time Management tips for Great Working Moms

Time management is one the key ingredient for efficient and loving working moms.  For most working moms, if they can have more than 24 hours in a day, they would gladly ask for it, especially to fulfill their duties as a mom and wife.... Everyday, I would start my day at 5 AM.  After rising,  I… Continue reading 5 Effective Time Management tips for Great Working Moms